Wednesday, October 31, 2012

:: self-learning computer repair

Your Name*:e rosadi
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Title*:self-learning computer repair
Article*:If the PC is often times shows an intricate alamatan lawyer, or display an error message, emits a continuous beep with regularly or irregularly, the PC is most likely being in trouble, I will provide tips and solutions to solve these problems and PC You continue to function as usual. Problems or damage arising typically categorized in two types of damage are: Problem or damage Hardware and Software

Damage Type Can be categorized into 2 categories, namely:
1. Damage Hardware (Hardware)
2. Damage On Software (Software)

1. Damage to Hardware
The problem with the hardware components need serious treatment for localized and difficult to be removed without the proper tools, expertise and support experience. Explanation will revolve around the problems that often occur along with remedies.
Damage to the Power Supply
When turned on the PC does not react to anything, there is no display on the monitor, there is no indicator light (LED) is lit, the power supply fan is not spinning, the indicator light does not turn on the monitor.
Check whether the cable is properly connected and installed properly plug into the socket, check whether there is the on / off behind exactly behind the Power Supply is in the On position, If you are sure installed correctly but still no response to assure you please replace the power cord with which you believe to be good. The problem occurs in the absence of incoming voltage, there is damage to the power cable.
When turned on the PC does not react to anything, there is no display on the monitor, there is no indicator light (LED) is lit, the power supply fan is not spinning, the indicator light on the monitor.
Do as the steps above, but if there is still no response means a problem in Power Supply, PS Please change it, I suggest you should just replace the faulty power supply with a new one, and be careful in the installation.
Note: If the damage is only on Power Supply alone, When you replace it, the computer will return to work as normal. Unless there is a problem in other components such as the Mother Board, VGA Card and Memory.

Damage to the Mother Board
When turned on, there is no display on the monitor, the indicator light (LED) on the front panel is lit, the indicator light (LED) flashing monitors, power supply fan and the processor fan spins, no beep sound on the speakers.
The first step off all power cables connected to the electrical, data cable to the monitor, cable keyboad / mouse, and all cables are connected to the CPU, and then remove all the screws cover cashing. In an open case please also remove other components, the voltage of the power supply cord is connected to the motherboard, hard drive, floppy, careful not to rush the process. So is the card attached to the Mboard (VGA, Sound Card or other). Now attached to the motherboard just cashing it. Please check carefully Motherboadnya, see Chip (IC), Elko, transistor and others if there is a fire.
If there are no signs of burnt components Motherboard chances are still good, but there are times when Mother board does not work because of damage to the programs contained in the BIOS
The CPU time started and then did post after that process was discontinued and was silent for a moment not directly go to the operating system, and then the screen is the message "disk error, disk Failur, after it appeared the message" press F1 to continou "after we pressing the F1 key does not enter operating system and the message "Operating system not found".

Damage Harddisk
Check the tension cables and data cables into the hard drive is loose, should be tightened, then turn and let you listen to what came out of the disk normal, if not normal means damaged hard drive controller.
The CPU time started and then did post after it appeared the message "Operating system not found".
There is the possibility of operating system is damaged, it can be overcome by installing ualng or if you are using Windows 2000/XP OS there Repairnya facilities. or possibly a hard drive is not detected and retune
hard disk bad sector?
There are several factors that cause bad sectors such occurs, the voltage is unstable, there is often a sudden power loss, after pemakaina not shot down, consumption is too long, there are two types of bad sectors are physical and software ..... To overcome some ways, including using software to eliminate further BadSector .... of change in eBook is in computer repair methods and what you get if you join the Active Member.

Damage CD / DVD / ROM / RW & Floppy Disk
This type of damage is commonly encountered:
1. Not detected in windows
2. Not get out in CD
3. Can not read / write / can only read it. (CD)
4. Can not read / write / write protect (Floppy disk)
1. Check the data cable and voltage cable into the CD-floppy, check in bios setup if it is detected? should be set to auto. Check whether the light is on, if not damage the controller.
2. Mechanical damage on the rubber motor or motors.
3. Usually the optical damage, but there may still be improved in a way to set the optical ualng.
4. Dirty Head, can be cleaned using Cutenbud (above steps are complete can be found in the e-book "method of computer repair fast and accurate" and what you get if you join a member

BIOS Problems
Be careful in Bios Update, as he got the wrong update your BIOS version, not the PC so you can not even get into the BIOS.
Updates usually can not be canceled, only certain types of motherboards have a backup BIOS chip it, there is saved the original BIOS types that can not be removed, to restore your stay special move Jumper position that usually have no clue on the manuals. Then hidupka PC and wait 10 seconds, the original BIOS on Restore, restore Jumper position on the starting position, and the PC is ready to run again. If the motherboard does not have pasilitas, the BIOS chip should be sent to the manufacturer, type of BIOS you can see in the manuals. Be careful not to install the BIOS IC legs broken or inverted position.
CPU Beep sound several times in the speaker and no display on the screen, when the monitor is not problematic.
Beep Beep indicates a specific error message from the BIOS, it shows what kind of errors sound of what happens on the PC, usually an error on non-detectable Memory, VGA card, which is not installed properly, even Processor Monitor data cable could be the cause. Please check the problem.

Following BIOS error message:
Beep error Motherboard BIOS usually not all indicate the same error depends on the type of its BIOS.
Beep 1x: RAM / Memory not installed or Damaged Good, Beep 6x: Error Gate A20 - Indicates damaged or IC Keyboard Gate A20 of his own, Beep 8x: Grapihic Card / VGA Card is not installed properly or damaged, Beep 11x: Checksum Error, check Batre Bios, and replace it with a new one.
Beep 1x Length: RAM / Memory not installed or Damaged Good, Beep 1x 2x Short Length: Damage On Graphic Card (VGA), Inspect Installation may also not fit into the slot (less entry), Beep 1x 3x Long Short: Keyboard failure or not installed. Beep is interrupted / continuous sound: RAM or Graphics Card not detected.
Batrey CMOS Damage / Weak
Symptoms: Appear message CMOS Checksum Vailure / Batrey Low, due tegangna which to supply IC CMOS / BIOS is not normal because batrey weak, so the BIOS settings back to factory default Default-nya/setingan and hardware configurations must be set back.
Solution: Replace Soon his Batrey
Symptoms: The CPU is often Hang?
Solution: There are several factors going on hanging them: There BadSector in Hard Drive, Ada Virus, There is a problem in the hardware such as Memory Dirty / Damaged, Mboard Dirty / Damaged, Cooling Fan fan rotation is already weak, unstable power supply ..... should not be forced to be used because it will result in more fatal, please contact: our ability to resolve the issue
Symptoms often appear blue computer screen what causes it?
Solution: The message could be caused Blue Screen windows system is broken, Can of Memory, Can the hard drive, can be from other components, depending on the blue screen messages displayed.
Symptoms: The computer is so much slower than before, but not so slow initially
Solution: The cause of your computer slow process there are several factors: Space hard drive is too full, too many programs / software that takes hard disk space and memory, there is a virus, hard drive BadSector.

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Sunday, October 7, 2012

:: berita dan tips

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Title*:berita dan tips
Article*:Hal-hal Yang Membuat Anda Tidak Kunjung Dapat Jodoh

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:: berita dan tips

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Title*:berita dan tips
Article*:10 Negara Penghasil Wanita Tercantik

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